Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Whackamolee - 4:13 am-30-11-1111 - Questions:

Whackamolee (3:06 am 30-11-1111)

Whackamolee Q: @Huy In cultures I know, we don't speak to people we don't khow well with "Got it?", especially in debates. You are invited to talk linguistic law "someone who holds shares of stock in a corporation" and get "joint house purchaser" inducted.

Whackamolee : I really don't know why it is so hard for you to confer and see that it is the exact synonym for shareholder. Even I don't argue with that definition, and you know how I hate the rigidity of dictionaries :-)

Whackamolee : Recap: shareowner is same as shareholder; share owner is a different animal altogether. You may think differently, and that is fine, too. No harm done.

Huyle : sorry, I've bêen in a mêeting. I think you try to prove me wrong. Please lơok at the thread. Someone asked what shareowner was. I replied = ppl who buy a house together. someone else said I was wrong. You later said I was wrong tơo. I am not wrong sine these 2 words are synomyms. If you owe something with someone, you are shareowner

Huyle : but stock owners are called shareholders, while people who own a house are called shareowners. we đon;t call house owners shareholders.

Huyle : @Whack: if you find "got it" offensive, I apologize, but "got it" does not mean "idiot". If someone does not understand something, he might be biased. I think you are intelligence but "blind" because of your arrogance as someone said about you before.

Huyle : in other words, shareholder is a special case of shareowner. you can use shareower for any case in which you own a piece of property. but for housing, I don't use 'shareholder" to call my housemate who bought the house with me.

Huyle : if you admit shareholder and shareowner are synomyms then I think I am vindicated. Both you and the other persons proclaimed I was wrong. Are you still here?

Whackamolee : Just got back to the desk, anh. 1. You should recheck the initial comment I made. It was quite simple, and I am surprised at your insistent reaction 2. "Someone said" has never mattered that much to me, and I doubt it does to you either.

Huyle : well, I play a defensive role here, just try to prove I am NOT wrong. I think you have bêen trying to me wrong.

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