Monday, October 24, 2011

Omachi - 7:50 pm-24-10-1111 - Questions:

Omachi (7:25 pm 24-10-1111)

Omachi Q: mình có thể dùng phase giống như stage và period được k ạ?

CheeGee : k

Phucboy : là sao??nói rõ văn tình ra coai nào!!

CheeGee : đi cọp hộ: ▪ stage one of several parts of a long process, which happen one after another: At this stage of the election campaign, it is impossible to predict who will win. | She is still in the early stages of pregnancy. | Piaget famously divided childhood into four separate stages. | the opening stages of the race ▪ step one of the parts

Omachi : ý e là. mấy cái từ đó có là synnonym k ạ?

CheeGee : ▪ '''phase''' one of the clearly separate stages of a process or activity, during which a type of activity takes place that is different from those in other phases: the initial phase of the campaign | They were now entering the final phase of their journey.

Omachi : @Chee ơi, nói vắn tắt bằng TV cho e vs. :*)

CheeGee : túm lợi: trong '''stage''' có nhiều '''phase''' và mỗi chúng có các '''period''' dài vắn khác nhau

Omachi : vâng, ok!

Muaraomuato92 : ô ma chi rất ngon mà không sợ nóng. he he

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