Thursday, October 6, 2011

Lnqs2001 - 2:20 pm-06-10-1111 - Questions:

Lnqs2001 (2:15 pm 06-10-1111)

Lnqs2001 Q: dịch hộ mình : Người chung quanh cho rằng tôi thất bại , nhưng xét về mục đích thì tôi nghĩ mình thành công , vậy chắc chắn tôi đã thành công .

Cuucuu : Je pense donc je suis, I think, therefore I am. Descartes.

NASG : If other people say I am a loser, but considering achieving my purpose, I am damn sure success ~nasg~

TrumSpam : có chí khí, có chí khí ~trumspam~

N73dotsis : it's said that I was unsuccessful. However, based on the purpose, I thouht I was not failed.So, I was successful.

Lnqs2001 : chào anh Whack buổi chiều nhé

USD : If it does not look good to the world but feels good in your heart, it is success after all. :))

TonNgoKhong : Creating success is tough, but keeping it is tougher. You have to keep producing, you can never stop

Ôi cuộc đời : outside peope think that I'm fail but considering of purpose I think I'm successful

Lnqs2001 : CẢM ƠN RỪNG , mình đa tạ

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